What is Negative lookahead assertions in php development.mp4


In PHP development, especially when working with regular expressions, negative lookahead assertions are used to ensure that a specific pattern does not appear at a given position in the text being processed.

A negative lookahead assertion is written as (?!...), where ... represents the pattern you want to ensure is not present. This assertion allows you to perform pattern matching while excluding certain unwanted sequences.


Suppose you want to match the word "apple" only if it is not followed by the word "pie". You could use the following regular expression:


Here’s how it works:

  • apple is the pattern you want to match.
  • (?!\s+pie) is the negative lookahead assertion that ensures "apple" is not immediately followed by " pie".

PHP Example

Here's a PHP snippet demonstrating negative lookahead in action:

<?php $pattern = '/apple(?!\s+pie)/'; $text = 'I like apple and apple pie.'; preg_match_all($pattern, $text, $matches); print_r($matches[0]); // Outputs: Array ( [0] => apple ) ?>

In this example:

  • preg_match_all finds all occurrences of "apple" that are not followed by " pie".
  • The result will include only the first "apple", and exclude the "apple" followed by " pie".

Negative lookahead assertions are powerful for complex text processing where specific patterns need to be excluded.

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