How to Hack wifi passwords using android phone ?

How to Hack wifi passwords using android phone

Disclaimer : This tutorial only for education purpose only. We will not responsible for any harmful activity. Request to you perform this at your own risk.😈😈😈👹👹👹💀💀💀

In this tutorial you will learn how to hack Wi-Fi password using android phone. For this, we are using the WPA WPS tester app for cracking Wifi

What is the WPA WPS tester?

It is an android app that helps us to find vulnerabilities in the WPS protocol of your access point. This software will help you to perform vulnerabilities tests in any network but since I am making this tutorial for educational purposes and ethical hacking activities. So perform in either in your network or another network with granted permissions.
So this app is going to brute-force the network to get wifi password.

Step by Step guide to crack wifi password by using the WPA WPS tester.

Step 1:  Our first step is going to install the WPA WPS tester. so you can either download the free version from the play store or you can download the paid version from here.

Step 2 : Now launch the app and it will be going to scan all your nearby available wifi networks.

Step 3 : You have got a list of wifi networks. You can check the app whether it has vulnerabilities or not.
On your right side, there will be a lock next to wifi networks. so if it is green in color, you can crack the password. on the other side, if it is red, you can't crack.

Step 4 : tap on the network with the green lock which you want to crack.

Step 5 : there will be an info pop up appear and click on connect option.

Step 6 :  There will be another popup appear, asking root or no root. so in this tutorial, we are going with no root option.

Step 7 : On more popup will appear showing a list of pins. It will help you to enter in the wifi network. choose any of them and click on the connect option.

Step 8 :  Now it will initiate the pin attacks. It might take a few seconds.

Step 9 : if the pin attack was successful, You will see the wifi password. Just copy it and connect to the wifi network.

Step 10 : If the pin attack was unsuccessful, you will have a chance to see the error. don't be panic, select another pin. one of the pins will work to crack the wifi password.

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  1. Why the red one we cannot crack

    1. Because Red implies us hat the wifi is a WPA...It cannot be cracked as easy as WPS so we cannot Hack the Red coloured Wifi Using WPA WPS Tester

  2. Allah y taimaka wannan abu yayi

  3. Is it compatible with android 9

  4. Why we can't crack into red one?

  5. All wifi network protected by red colour lock☹️

  6. Firsh I have hacked a yellow coloured wifi , he changed the paas , now I m trying but it's not hacking , it's still yellow coloured


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