How To Avoid Dox Attack ?

How To Avoid Dox Attack ?

Doxxing is searching for and publishing personal information about a person publicly with malicious intent. Doxxing includes the hacker analyzing information posted online about the victim in order to identify and then harass the victim. It can also involve exposing an anonymous account to reveal the person's identity.

Vary Usernames and Passwords

  • Try to set unique usernames for each website you are signed up with. If you are signed up for a controversial website or forum, make sure your username is anonymous and cannot be traced back to you

Use Secure Passwords

  • Always use complex passwords, as they are more difficult to hack. Your password should be at least 12 characters with a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and other special keyboard characters.

Protect your Computer

  • Keep your system up to date and secure. Use an internet security or antivirus program to stay safe from malware, ransomware, and other threats. Make sure your security software checks for updates and installs them automatically. Furthermore, scan your system regularly, as this will alert you of any suspicious or malicious activity.

Social Privacy Settings

  • Social media plays a vital role in our daily lives. Millions of people spend their time, and often communicate with strangers, on multiple social media platforms and groups. These strangers could be a group of hackers with malicious doxxing intentions.

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