How to create a new Flex project in flash builder.mp4


To create a new Flex project in Flash Builder, follow these steps:

  1. Open Flash Builder: Launch the Flash Builder IDE.

  2. Create a New Project:

    • Click on File in the menu bar.
    • Select New > Flex Project.
  3. Project Configuration:

    • In the dialog that appears, enter a Project Name.
    • Choose a location for the project files.
    • Select the Flex SDK version you want to use.
  4. Set Up the Application:

    • Choose the type of application you want to create (e.g., a "Mobile Flex Project" or "Web Flex Project").
    • Configure any additional settings as needed (like enabling support for certain features).
  5. Finish the Setup:

    • Click Finish to create the project. Flash Builder will set up the project structure.
  6. Build and Run:

    • You can start coding in the Main.mxml file or any other files created.
    • Use the toolbar to build and run your application.

Make sure you have the Flex SDK properly installed and configured for a smooth experience.

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