Termux Basic Commands

 cd  :-  used to change directory 

cd /  :-  change to root directory

cd ..  :-  change current directory to parent directory

cd -   :-  move one directory back from where you are now

cp -r  :-  used to copy any directory [including hidden files]

cp -f  :-  force copy by removing the destination files if needed 

mv -f  :-  force move by overwriting destination files without prompt

mv -v  :-  to move any directory

mv [file1 name] [new file2

name]  :-  To rename files file1 renames to file2

ls  :-  list current folder contets

ls -l  :-  list current folder contets

ls -a  :-  list all files including hidden files

ls -lh   :-  it shows size of files in human readable format

ls -R   :-  shows recursively list of sub-directories

cat [file]  :-  to display file information

nano [file]  :-  to display and edit files

chmod +x [file]  :-  used to executable permission to a file

chmod +X * :-  to give executable permission to all files

touch [file name]  :-  to create a file ,like file.txt

mkdir [name]  :-  used to create folder / directory 

wget   :-   this command used to download any file from online source like github

rm [file]  :-  used to remove/Delete any file

git clone [github url]   :-   used to clone any repository from github

apt search [qurey] :-  to search any package

locate [query] :-  find all path names contains a pharse

du  :-  Display directory space usage

df  :-  display disk usage.

cal :-  To display calender

whoami :-  it shows your login name

uname -a  :-   used to Display kernal information

date  :-  it shows the current date & time

uptime  :-  this command shows system current uptime

cat /proc/meminfo  :-  it shows memory information

cat /proc/cpuinfo  :-  it shows cpu information

cat /proc/version :-  it shows information about Linux system

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