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Slowrolis :- How to install and run?

 ðŸŒ€  🌀

🎭 Slowloris is a low-bandwidth DoS hacking tool. The software is rewritten in Python, and it performs an HTTP Denial of Service attack that slows down or makes the small servers crash.

One can also use Slowrolis to initiate a Dos attack on any website. DoS attack is a type of cybersecurity attack where many requests are suddenly sent to the website server to get crashed.

Slowrolis develops a large number of HTTP requests and sends headers of packets periodically to keep the network’s connection open.

Slowrolis allows never to disconnect the connection portal unless the server does so. As the server shuts down the connection, a new link has already been created. As a result, the server goes down 401 error or doesn’t fulfill any requests.

🎭 How to install and run?

You can clone the git repo or install using pip. Here's how you run it.

- sudo pip3 install slowloris

- slowloris

🎭 That's all it takes to install and run

If you want to clone using git instead of pip, here's how you do it.

$ git clone

$ cd slowloris

$ python3

SOCKS5 proxy support

🎭 However, if you plan on using the -x option in order to use a SOCKS5 proxy for connecting instead of a direct connection over your IP address, you will need to install the PySocks library (or any other implementation of the socks library) as well. PySocks is a fork from SocksiPy by GitHub user @Anorov and can easily be installed by adding PySocks to the pip command above or running it again like so:

sudo pip3 install PySocks

🎭 You can then use the -x option to activate SOCKS5 support and the --proxy-host and --proxy-port option to specify the SOCKS5 proxy host and its port, if they are different from the standard

🎭 Configuration options

🎭 It is possible to modify the behaviour of slowloris with command-line arguments. In order to get an up-to-date help document, just run slowloris -h.

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Weeman is a very simple http server python script. Weeman can create powerful phishing pages in localhost or same network. It work like other phishing framework, in simple words it takes username and password from users when they type username and password and the credentials grab by weeman and will show in terminal. In this tutorial we learn how to use weeman and make the phishing page working on internet on only in localhost.

✳ installation :

$ apt update 

$ apt upgrade

$ apt install git

$ apt install python2

$ git clone

$ cd weeman

$ chmod +x *

✳ usage :

$ python2

$ set url

$ set action_url

$ run

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Website information gathering in termux

Open Tremux


$ apt install git

$ git clone

$ ls


$ ls

$ chmod +x rhawk.php

$ ls

$ apt install php

$ ls

$ php rhawk.php

[#] Enter The Website You Want To Scan : www.*.com

[#] Enter 1 For HTTP OR Enter 2 For HTTPS:  [ Your Side http: {enter 1}   Your Side https: {enter 2} ]

# Choose Number

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Goblin word Generator tool is used to generate password list easily.

Installtion :

apt update

apt upgrade

apt install git

apt install python

apt install python2

git clone

cd GoblinWordGenerator

chmod +x *

usage :


i want to generate list that length 4 to 6 then type here : 4:6 {hit enter}

Give name to your wordlist like, : pass.txt {hit enter}

and select option which you want and {hit enter}

it will generate a pass.txt

to open this file type this command :

cat pass.txt

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How To Get Free YouTube Views And Subscribers ?

1. After Signing Up Login

2. Go to "Add Site/Page'

3. Choose The Type (Subcribers , Views , Likes)

4. Put Ur Page Url (For Views/Likes) / Profile ID (For Subs)

5. And Put Ur CPC to 8-15

6.  Getting Free Subcribers , Views , Likes!

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Paypal to BTC Method

▶ Requirements:

- Paypal with money

- A BTC Wallet

- (VPN For NL)



1. Go to this link ""

Maybe you Will Neeed VPN For NL (Not 100% Sure.)

2. Purchase GC with Paypal

3. If You Have Recieved Them in Mail Go To ""

4. You Can Exchange Your Bit4coin Codes Here

5. You Wont Get The Full Balance But it Does Work And Can Be Usefull If You Dont Trust Peoples.

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This only works on sites that do not require a server to communicate with, simple sites that are basically just HTML or JS works great

This is a good way to help you make scam pages as well

1) Install

2) Run the software and label your project

3) Type in the website you wish to replicate

4) Choose download and watch your download happen

5) When it is done login to you admin panel or cPanel for you website and start uploading the files, you can edit you html files in Dreamweaver if you need to make any edits!

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Termux Basic Commands

 cd  :-  used to change directory 

cd /  :-  change to root directory

cd ..  :-  change current directory to parent directory

cd -   :-  move one directory back from where you are now

cp -r  :-  used to copy any directory [including hidden files]

cp -f  :-  force copy by removing the destination files if needed 

mv -f  :-  force move by overwriting destination files without prompt

mv -v  :-  to move any directory

mv [file1 name] [new file2

name]  :-  To rename files file1 renames to file2

ls  :-  list current folder contets

ls -l  :-  list current folder contets

ls -a  :-  list all files including hidden files

ls -lh   :-  it shows size of files in human readable format

ls -R   :-  shows recursively list of sub-directories

cat [file]  :-  to display file information

nano [file]  :-  to display and edit files

chmod +x [file]  :-  used to executable permission to a file

chmod +X * :-  to give executable permission to all files

touch [file name]  :-  to create a file ,like file.txt

mkdir [name]  :-  used to create folder / directory 

wget   :-   this command used to download any file from online source like github

rm [file]  :-  used to remove/Delete any file

git clone [github url]   :-   used to clone any repository from github

apt search [qurey] :-  to search any package

locate [query] :-  find all path names contains a pharse

du  :-  Display directory space usage

df  :-  display disk usage.

cal :-  To display calender

whoami :-  it shows your login name

uname -a  :-   used to Display kernal information

date  :-  it shows the current date & time

uptime  :-  this command shows system current uptime

cat /proc/meminfo  :-  it shows memory information

cat /proc/cpuinfo  :-  it shows cpu information

cat /proc/version :-  it shows information about Linux system

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IP changer every 5 seconds

 ðŸ”°IP changer every 5 seconds 🔰

📌Use these code line by line in termux or linux

🌀Git clone

🌀Git clone

🔷apt-get install tor = tor downloads

🔷service tor start = start tor

🔷service tor stop = stop tor

🔷service tor status = check it

🔷leafpad /etc/tor/torrc we are entering

🔷We delete the # sign in the lines starting with the control port and hash

🔷tor --hash-password = we set password

🔷We write leafpad/etc/tor/torrc and record the number given to the hashed part.

🔷cd toriptables2

🔷python -l = toriptables2 start


🔷python tor_ip_switcher = toripswitcher start

🔷we enter the password we set

🔷Set the IP address duration and the ip address changes every 5 seconds

Note: It's only for educational purposes.

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