Dangerous Apps Which Can Land You In Jail


Note: Never try using these apps else you'll end up in jail or loosing all your important data!


Call spoofing is technology that can use someone's mobile number and call someone else.

If you use any spoof website or app, you will have to wind up the direct jail because the app is black-listed.


As the name says, this app is used to kill wifi. by using this android app, you can trun off other's Wifi networks.


Here you can find latest movies as you want in HD quality.

This blacklisted app gets your ilP address trace, which claims you as a criminal according to the law.


It is a replica of the play store. it is rstricted globally, but if you use it, you break the law.

5. TORRENT(personally I use it 😅) 

All of you know about this one. If you download something from there, you have to pay fine or jail of 3years.

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