Monitoring Dockers

- [Axibase Collector]( - Axibase Collector streams performance counters, configuration changes and lifecycle events from the Docker engine(s) into Axibase Time Series Database for roll-up dashboards and integration with upstream monitoring systems.

- [cAdvisor]( - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers. Created by [@Google](

- [Docker-Alertd]( - Monitor and send alerts based on docker container resource usage/statistics

- [Docker-Flow-Monitor]( - Reconfigures Prometheus when a new service is updated or deployed automatically by [@vfarcic][vfarcic]

- [Docker-Fluentd][fluentd] - Docker container to Log Other Containers' Logs. One can aggregate the logs of Docker containers running on the same host using Fluentd by [@kiyoto][kiyoto]

- [Glances]( - A cross-platform curses-based system monitoring tool written in Python by [@nicolargo](

- [Grafana Docker Dashboard Template]( - A template for your Docker, Grafana and Prometheus stack [@vegasbrianc][vegasbrianc]

- [InfluxDB, cAdvisor, Grafana]( - InfluxDB Time series DB in combination with Grafana and cAdvisor by [@vegasbrianc][vegasbrianc]

- [LogJam]( - Logjam is a log forwarder designed to listen on a local port, receive log entries over UDP, and forward these messages on to a log collection server (such as logstash) by [@gocardless](

- [Logsene for Docker][spm] Monitoring of Metrics, Events and Logs implemented in Node.js. Integrated [logagent-js]( to detect and parse various log formats. [@sematext][sematext]

- [Logspout]( - Log routing for Docker container logs by [@gliderlabs][gliderlabs]

- [Out-of-the-box Host/Container Monitoring/Logging/Alerting Stack]( - Docker host and container monitoring, logging and alerting out of the box using cAdvisor, Prometheus, Grafana for monitoring, Elasticsearch, Kibana and Logstash for logging and elastalert and Alertmanager for alerting. Set up in 5 Minutes. Secure mode for production use with built-in [Automated Nginx Reverse Proxy (jwilder's)][nginxproxy].

- [Zabbix Docker module]( - Zabbix module that provides discovery of running containers, CPU/memory/blk IO/net container metrics. Systemd Docker and LXC execution driver is also supported. It's a dynamically linked shared object library, so its performance is (~10x) better, than any script solution.

- [Zabbix Docker]( - Monitor containers automatically using zabbix LLD feature.

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