HTTP requests.

HTTP requests

use Netcat to obtain web page information from a web server. With Netcat, you can search the full HTTP header to see the specific site that is running in the web server.

1) Now type the following command to connect to port 80.

> nc 80

> OPTIONS / HTTP / 1.0

🦑Port scanning :

Netcat can also scan TPC and UDP ports, so it can be used instead of NMAP, it will tell us the opening and closing ports of the target IP The
following command displays the target IP and port range
-z: Zero I / O mode [for scanning]
-w: timeout for connection and final network read
-v: -v verbose
-l: listen mode for inbound connections
-n: digital IP address only,
From the resulting image, you can see that there are open ports for running services.

Netcat for further chat between two systems. We need to put Netcat together to listen to specific ports on both systems and connect to specific addresses.

?> nc -lvp 5678

🦑File transfer

As you know, in windows we have now downloaded the netcat.exe file, I have used it to upload the text file t.txt on the target system through a specific port.

> nc 5555 & lt; t.txt

> nc -lvp 5555 & gt; /root/Desktop/t.txt

written by undercode
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