🔰 DOXING 🔰 ?


Doxing is a term that describes the process of obtaining or deducing information about a person based on a limited set of initial information. Or in layman’s terms, doxing is the act of searching around on the Internet for someone’s personal details. Another way to view doxing is to see it as taking a piece of information (e.g., email address) and identifying someone based on that.

The term “doxing” derives from “document tracing” which means to gather documents on a particular person or company to learn more about them.

Use of DOXING 

Hackers can track Innocent peoples data and hack their accounts.

Security Experts can trace the Hackers(can trace some innocent hackers only,Noobs). This will be helpful for solving Cyber Crime cases.

What you can find using DOXING ??

(1) Real Name, age,gender

(2) Email id, registered websites

(3) Social Network Page()

(4) Address, Phone Number

(5) Parent’s Names and their Jobs

(6) Place of Education (School/University etc.)

(7) Relatives

and more data

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